In a landmark summit held in Paris, France, leaders from around the world came together to address the issue of climate change and its devastating impact on the planet. The two-week conference saw 195 countries negotiate and sign the Paris Agreement, committing to limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and striving for a temperature rise of no more than 1.5 degrees. The agreement, which came into force in November 2016, also called for countries to enhance their efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen adaptation measures to address the inevitable impacts of climate change.

The Paris Agreement marked a significant step towards a sustainable future for our planet, but its implementation has been slow and gradual, with some countries not yet meeting their targets. In other Germay News Today, the world was also struck by a number of natural disasters in 2015. The Nepal earthquake, the deadliest natural disaster to hit the Himalayan nation in over 80 years, claimed the lives of more than 8,000 people and caused widespread damage to infrastructure and homes. The typhoon Koppu also hit the Philippines, resulting in more than 50 fatalities and leaving tens of thousands of people homeless.

In Europe, the refugee crisis continued to make headlines. The conflict in Syria, coupled with political turmoil and economic hardship in other parts of the Middle East and Africa, had led to millions of people fleeing their homes and seeking refuge in Europe. The situation had placed enormous pressure on both the countries accepting refugees and the people themselves, with many facing poor living conditions and xenophobia from some local populations.

Meanwhile, 2015 also saw significant breakthroughs in science and technology. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made a historic flyby of Pluto, providing the first-ever close-up images and information about the dwarf planet. The discovery of water on Mars raised hopes for the possibility of life on the red planet, and researchers worked to develop new methods of harvesting clean energy from renewable sources.

In business, the economic landscape was dominated by the rise of technology companies. The world’s largest companies by market capitalization were predominantly tech giants such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft, reflecting the growing importance of digital and online industries. Meanwhile, the Volkswagen emissions scandal rocked the automotive industry, leading to record fines and a decline in public trust in the brand. In the world of politics, 2015 also saw significant shifts in power and leadership.

In China, Xi Jinping continued to consolidate his power as president, while Russian president Vladimir Putin remained a controversial figure in global politics.