com 1 Year Anniversary Greetings to all of our readers. February marks localseoupdate.

com one year anniversary and to celebrate this accomplishment, I will be providing free, thats right, FREE local help.

Before I get into the specifics of the free help, I would like to recap the year we had. New Google Places layouts. 2013 offered many changes to Google local, however none more obvious than the consistent layout changes. 5 star rating replaces Zagat.

Google Places no longer accepts custom categories. One of my biggest local disappointments this year was that Google removed the ability to add custom categories to the local listing. My guess is that the reasoning behind this move was to limit spam on listings even more.

I must say it does make it difficult for clients who dont really fit into any of the preset categories but there are still ways to get it done. New Google Maps. Local carousel results. A major update to the old 7 pack.

Though the local carousel is not displayed for all local searches, it is definitely a noticeable feature when it does. Google Places Phone Support. Finally, Google stepped up the support for local and began offering live phone support with real Google rep. I really like being able to speak with a Google Support representative, however the quality of support varies drastically depending upon who you speak with.

One rep will completely solve your problem, while the other rep says it cant be donefor the same problem. My advicekeep calling back until you get someone who knows what they are talking about.

Google Plus Custom URLs. Google Places merges with Google Plus. A much anticipated and overdue update. Almost a year after Google stated they would merge Google Places with Google Plus that we finally started seeing this in action.

New Google Places Dashboard. Google upgraded the Places Dashboard which now includes a review section, linkupgrade button to Google Plus, Adwords, and Local Insights.

Enhanced Google Local Analytics.

The new Google Places dashboard offers much better insights about the Local listing traffic, social engagement, actions, etc This is probably one of the most under of the new Places dashboard.

If used correctly, business owners can get some really good information about how people interact with their listing.

It was an eventful year in 2013 for local search and click through the up coming website page hopefully 2014 has more to offer. I want to thank all of the support my team and I have received from the community throughout the year. As my way of paying it forward, I will be offering free local help on a continual basis for small business owners with local search concerns. Alex is a search marketing consultant with vast experience specializing in local search.

Parttime, he serves as a Google Expert Mapper and a website developer.

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