Brakes are one of your vehicle’s most important safety features and you should replace brake pads and shoes when they wear out. How often you need to do this depends on your driving habits and where you drive. Lots of city driving with stops and starts will wear the brake pads faster. So will towing trailers and carrying loads. On average, pads may last 30,000 to 40,000 miles. Some more expensive pads can last twice as long.

If you want to boost the speed of your car, you might want to take a look at your car suspension. Car aficionados understand the importance of having a good car suspension.

With your drain pan ready, remove the oil pan plug with a 13mm socket. Cover your hand with a shop rag to protect yourself from the hot oil as the plug is removed from the last couple of threads. Let the oil drain for as long as you can. Overnight is ideal, but 2-3 hours will usually suffice. No, this is not Jiffy-Lube!

suspension repair shop The next modification recommendation would then be the front and rear sway bars and links. These parts also help the body roll while cornering and handling and can sometimes be modular to the suspension system as a whole.

Yep, that’s right. The YZ250F is The Top Motocross Bike of The Decade. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. It’s the most popular 250cc four-stroke motocross bike, and for many good reasons. It was the first one made, and by a few years two. The first year of Yamaha’s 250F was 2001, and it was an instant success. People saw how powerful it was and how much torque it had compared to a 125 two-stroke.

2007 ford crown victoria A good thing to check when purchasing a second hand tire is for any perishing or cracking of the sidewall and tread rubber. It is wise to give the sidewall a good flex and make sure there are no cracks or chords visible. It is normal to have very fine surface perish lines if the tire is not brand new however make sure they are no more than that.

When you are buying tires for your vehicle, be sure you choose the same type of tire that the vehicle was equipped with by the manufacturer (in both performance rating and size). Not having these can result in all types of problems such as erratic handling of the vehicle, a check engine light coming on… or even worse yet, an accident.