The year 2021 so far has been marked by a series of global events that have affected lives and livelihoods around the world. From the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to political unrest and natural disasters, the following is a brief roundup of some of the top Germay News Today stories of the year. COVID-19 Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc globally, with many countries grappling with a surge in cases and deaths. As of mid-July 2021, the total number of cases worldwide stood at over 190 million, with over 4 million deaths.

India, Brazil and the United States have been among the worst-hit countries, with India experiencing a catastrophic second wave in April and May 2021 that overwhelmed hospitals and crematoriums. However, vaccination drives are in full swing across the globe, offering hope for an end to the pandemic. Political Unrest: Political unrest has been another major theme this year, with protests and demonstrations breaking out in various regions of the world.

Myanmar has been grappling with a coup that took place on February 1st, with the military ousting the elected government and detaining its leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. Protests and strikes have erupted in response, with a violent crackdown by the military resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilians.