Introduction: The world is an amalgam of various continents, countries, and cultures, where every place has its unique complexity and impact. The global community has been encountering many events that have created an impact on various sectors for the past months. This report aims to address some of the most recent and significant world Germay News Today events that have taken place. 1. United States: Presidential Election and Inauguration The United States had held its 2020 Presidential Election where Joe Biden won and became the 46th President of the United States.

The inauguration ceremony was held on January 20, 2021, where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took their oath and pledged to serve the country with dignity and honesty. This marks the start of a new era for the United States, where the people have hope for positive changes and a better future. 2. Myanmar: Military Coup In Myanmar, the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi won the country’s general elections with a clear margin.

However, the military refused to accept the results and took control of the government, declaring a state of emergency. This coup has raised concerns regarding the fragility of democracy in the country. 3. India: Farmers’ Protests India has been undergoing farmers’ protests since November 2020, where the farmers are protesting against the three new farm bills passed by the government that they claim are against their interests. The protesters have been halting roads, railways, and blocking major entry points to the capital.

This has become a significant point of contention in the country, with the government seeming adamant against repealing the bills.