What high-quality is a survival manual? If you’re like me, the reason you’re reading this page is as you need to learn some survival skills.

When I began looking online to get a guide that could really help me, I was very dissatisfied in the obtainable material. I was a complete newbie and had little idea what I was also searching for, I just knew I was not finding it. Though I wanted to learn about becoming a survivalist, the info our there was not telling me what I had to find out. What gear? What foods? What equipment? It was very frustrating.

The main reason we’re at such a loss is because most of us go about everything WRONG!

You can’t expect to just Google “survival” and locate the solution – but that’s exactly what we do.

It’s sad for all those of us with no capabilities in the backpack of ours – we look and look and everyone offers an answer, though nobody really puts everything out there so that we are able to set Try it now in practice. No one will help us purchase the gear, straps & drills we really need.

It is virtually like we have to read through volumes & volumes of information simply to get survivalist fundamentals.

When I searched for assistance online, I kept coming with nothing.

Until – I discovered the list of stuff available online posted by FEMA. What an effective starting point this turned out to be.